Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Sophisticate love

How would you answer if i question you that..Are you still justifying your self so sophisticated to live in this human era and in high valued illusive emotional society. The answer would be 'yes' or what ever it may be but today people are diluted in the fakeness of being sophesticated in culture and moral values. Does this kind of behaviour really necessary to maintain the dogma of your so called society. I don't really think so or better I would say, one should answer it himself.

The humbleness of stating our self so good before others is so enormous and well setteled in the minds of prevailing humans that they are still making love such fine and finished word to prove their worthyness. To prove the sophestication of their self and to get considered , they behave like extremely  civilized and cultured. And these two words 'sophistication and culture' only exsists when one shows and pretends that I am having them and making them to shine from my presence, other wise they are always hidden part of all the stories and never comes into ones raw and bullshit mind.

The reckoning of owns highly stated and favourable love and caring part are well known trends since a long time. Love is well defined these days and people just keep them selves busy in stating all this rather than doing and experiencing the same. This is where they loose all its meaning. This is where they always try to make it so sophisticated, well presentable and highly trendy, making the most ugliest thing in their life.

If the things be kept easy and simple as they want to be, there would remain merealy any co-relation between any expression and acceptance of any kind of emotions. Understanding would be so simple and easy to digest that it would never give you a pain in any relational understanding.

The throwing and showing phenonmena of humans, always make them highly exclusive in the possession of love, which makes their love so sophestiated that they even think that society and community are the utmost factor for them. Do hell with these kinda societies, communities, sophistication. When will one shed the drama of fakeness and really do what it  want to, instaed of making all others satisfy and happy all the time. This auto behaviour of humans will never go, as they think to please others being their motto and the identity of being sophesticated in this bloody society. The society which hardly accepts others exsistance and happiness. All cares for them rather then caring for their simple end living policy.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Mighty Altitude

Facinating with the beautiful life, i used to think that every one is beautiful and every thing should be loved and is lovable, but these feelings are no more alive. I believed exactly opposite to it there is no beautiful, no one wonderful than me, and is sample applied for any one if he/she understands. If i exsist than only the
world exsisit for me unless there is nothing. So i believe in the suitability of keeping my self above all, which profounds me as the super special for me.
Excatly what you do or what should be done are the part of ones mind. Doing what you feel like and enjoy in any resiprocal situation are the true jewels of ones domination over life.

The formulation of thoughts and feelings are formulated in such a tremendus way that escaping from it is impossibe, these flows in the form of happiness, sadness, aggression and being a neutral is no ones job. Humans are made to adapt this in any suitable way and the way it comes. They says that be happy or satisfy with what you get, and i answer why should i, i won't be happy less than i want, i won't accept and give unless i am  on the peak of my wishes. This adaptability in my sense make me different from other. This i what i think and what i started to do. The persona of any ones living is almost undefined, because every one knows of unpredictable future. and ready to accept it as it is coming. Most of us aggres and make future or situation
to dominate our self. There are the ultimate and extreme conditions, when i don't aggres with the situation and further makes is in my favour. I found useless of making my self shattered and acceptable to conditions unless i get the taste of of fruitful pain of the situation, where i make my self strong and then jump into the well of fire to design according to me. Unless i achieve it, stopping is like accepting the heaven, without tasting the hell. But these my logic is upto me and i never  shows this secret and its more like understanding and being in the mad situation rather than just reading it and following it.

The madness of being living all through out at my will and showing no space for others makes my tendency to live and not to live but to rule the life. World is a monopolizing space. And to monopoly it means you are in the grip of world and others. I have the such drive to convert in reverse what so ever comes around. And if i feel it i can do it. Because believing is the biggest part which i think, any one should care about rather than expecting and hollow focusing or hoping on others. Its only you who live and to which the whole world or universe belongs and if you are not anymore nothing exist.

The hesitation of the life is just caring about, what others thinks or what not thinks prevails in most of the minds. But atleast shed this thing once. If i want to have sex, if want to drink or if i want to walk in the middle of the busy road or want to run and shout all the way around. Just say it loudely in your mind, built your self to do it. Do it before you pressurise yourself or you cry on these things.